
Save the date

Now we surely know the date and the location of our voluntarily project so mark in your calendars: Voluntarily Project, called "Kopfüber in die Musik", on 9 June 2013 at the Veneta-Platz in Kiel-Gaarden!

The event will be a mix of street-music, workshops and presentations about music and its diversity with the aim to stimulate the interest in music, to educate and to entertain.

The team of volunteers consists of Randy Bruhn (Landesverband der Musikschulen SH), Mara Plesse (Unternehmen Kulturwirtschaft), Frieda Rohde (Offener Kanal, Kiel), Danial Grothkopf (Musiculum) and me from ARS BALTICA. We are working together with the "Soziale Stadt Gaarden" who planned to organize the 6th edition of the "Intakt"-Festival on the same date as we planned our event.

We talked about it and came to the end that we will combine the two festivals to a bigger one because their concept of entertainment fits well to our concept of education.

Tomorrow we will present the concept, the financial plan and the timetable to our bosses and colleagues and after that the organizing goes on.

I’ll keep you up with more information about the event, but right now you can save the date; And: As more of you are coming as better the event will be!


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