

In the middle of March I am looking up to the sky and… SNOW! It is unbelievable! Just when you thought the winter is over, spring will come now… SNOW! Again and again, one or two days full of heavy snow falling, two weeks of cold and wind, a little bit of melting and then… SNOW!

I’m really not religious but:

Petrus, you are annoying me extremely!

In the office everything is running normally: Website-texts, Facebook-news and at the moment we are searching for financiers for our voluntary project.

Anyway there is something special: from 17 to 19 April there will be a meeting in Berlin where inter alia the ARS BALTICA organizing committee will meet together. I will participate in this meeting with the task to present possible projects for the ARS BALTICA accreditation. Therefor I will search for projects in the Baltic Sea Region, e.g. a music festival, check if it meets the demands of getting the ARS BALTICA Logo and then put these projects together in a PowerPoint presentation. After my presentation the committee will discuss for which projects the logo will be offered.

For this meeting I also checked the railroad connection and searched for hotels around the meeting place (Landesvertretung Schleswig-Holstein).

But also this week there will be something special: today, the artists and translators for the ARS BALTICA accredited project Baltic Comic will arrive at Nordkolleg (if the weather will let them). Tomorrow the workshops will start and run until Thursday. Friday and Saturday the results will be presented in Kiel. Check it out!

So that’s enough at the moment, further information about Berlin you’ll get soon.

Keep your fingers crossed for better weather in North Germany, it sucks.

Best regards



Good news, everyone!

The organizing of the project is running. Yesterday, Randy and I met the "Soziale Stadt Gaarden" to clear the location in detail. Now, we know where all the workshops and presentation will take place, have a look!

We also created a logo on our theme “Kopfüber in die Musik” or in English: “heads over into the music”…


But not just the FSJ-project is evolving but also from ARS BALTICA there is something new: the first two ARS BALTICA accredited projects of 2013 will take place soon so read more about Baltic Comic and folkBALTICA!

And now a partly true story:
I think the gardeners of Nordkolleg must be evil wizards who want to rule the world by summoning living plants like Treebeard.

He shaved his beard so that he could not be recognized immediately.

But these four smart guys

in cooperation with this army of chestnut puppets

will protect the Nordkolleg against the onslaught of Middle-Earth and the evil wizard-gardeners.

What a story! It should be written down… or not.

I wish you all a great weekend
