
Back from Scheersberg

What a great week – 41 creative volunteers in one place and uncountable ideas and possibilities! This was the first seminar of the voluntary social year on Scheersberg! Some would say this must end in a big chaos. On the contrary, everybody was friendly and engaged. So there were such great things like intensive midnight-jam-sessions, fairy tale readings or diverse game-sessions, e.g. "The Werewolves of Millers Hollow".

But we also worked a lot: Everyone presented his working place so we got a good overview what kinds of cultural institutions exist in Schleswig-Holstein. 

There was also the chance to talk about our projects every volunteer has to create in this social year, to get new inspiration and to find potential partners for it meaning that some projects will be created by small groups of volunteers. Also I will be part of a project team, but information about this you will get later when the ideas have become more concrete.

I already told you that there was offered two workshops: "Photography" and "Black Light Theatre". The photographers took pictures, edited them on a computer and presented them to the audience in small exhibition.

The other group (my group) first learned something about black light theatre in general and created then their own story for which they wrote the complete direction and built puppets and backdrop on their own. Then we practiced our play and, in the evening, we presented it to the rest of the participants.

Here are some photos so you might get an impression of it:

Randy, Mara and me (the three volunteers working at Nordkolleg Rendsburg) as “the Invisibles"
(frightening, isn’t it?)

How to create our puppets

And our star-puppet: The lonely Ranger

All in all a wonderful week and I really look forward to our next seminar with all these lovely people.



First seminar and ONE BSR

Next week from Monday to Friday our first seminar of the voluntary social year takes place at Scheersberg in Quern (Germany) organized by the LKJ-Schleswig-Holstein. This first seminar mainly is for meeting the other participants of the year.

We will learn about the other assignment locations and present ours. Due to the fact that the seminar group consists of around 40 participants it is divided into two workshop groups. The workshops are digital photography and black light theatre. We don’t know what we will do in those workshops in detail yet.

Anyhow, I have chosen the black light theatre because it sounds really interesting. The artists can’t be seen in their black clothes, just the white things which soar through the air. But see it for yourselves!

Also my ARS BALTICA colleagues Andrea and Franziska are out of office next week. They are on a cruise around the Baltic Sea for the kick-off of the ONE BSR Project.

Best regards from the Nordkolleg (Rendsburg)



A Coming and Going

ARS BALTICA got reinforcement! Since yesterday our new manager for the "One BSR" project Franziska Schindler is sitting across from me.

My first impression is: She seems to be very nice and socially competent but also committed und capable for this job. I think the working atmosphere in our office will be enviably friendly (even if I am at the lowest range of right to determine :-P). Don’t take me too serious, I am happy that ARS BALTICA got such enrichment.

Another thing: my first vacation stars tomorrow. I will relax five days on the small island of "Amrum" (Northern Germany).

"All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go"… and next Tuesday I will be back at work – so don’t worry, I’m not going to leave forever (as the title might mean).

To my work: There is nothing new to say but that’s good because it means that it is still interesting and I still feel well here.

So keep on reading this blog, tell your friends and your family.
